Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Spirit of Giving: Music is Magic

Every year the girls at St. Margaret's puts on an end of the year show called The Spirit of Giving. This year's theme was Music is Magic. The girls above are in Miss Bertha's segundo basico class dancing to Walk Like an Egyptian. Or I should say were in her class, as today was the last day of school. The show was an extravaganza, as I know you can tell. And yes, they are singing They snap their teeth on your cigarette.

Each class had a spotlight song and dance while the rest of the classes danced and sang in the chorus. We only had limited memory on our camera, or we'd have recorded the whole show.

Next class is Miss Alejandra's primero basicos doing the Charleston:

Miss Sonia's primero basicos are next dancing to Love Me Do. I think this was my husband's favorite.

The soloist in this next video is a girl named Emilia who is in Miss Sonia's primero basico class. Emilia is seven and will give her first concert tomorrow night. The dancers in the lovely dresses come from Miss Graciela's cuatro basico classes. These girls will be in the middle school next year.


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